
3000 萬首任你聽!這款音樂App 無廣告又免費CP 值爆表啦!

Alizarin 是本月月初在App Store 上架的免費音樂應用程式,標榜100% 合法,內建超過3000 萬首歌曲,使用的是類似Spotify、Apple Music 的Premium 服務,而且 ...


Cinematic prog metal centered around brooding melodies, wrapped in epic compositions. alizarinmusic.com · Facebook · Instagram · YouTube · open.spotify.com.

Alizarin by Justin Bush

Alizarin is your on-the-go solution to high-def, unlimited music with no strings attached. Enjoy the perfect music streaming service without the ...

Download free Alizarin for macOS

Alizarin is an unlimited music streaming application for your Mac. The tool offers music streaming with playlist capability and unlimited ...

Radio Alizarin

The app includes over 20 million songs covering Pop, Country, Top 40, Hip-Hop, R&B, Alternative, EDM, Rock, Reggae, Blues, House, Dubstep and more. Stream live ...

Stream Alizarin music

Play Alizarin on SoundCloud and discover followers on SoundCloud | Stream tracks, albums, playlists on desktop and mobile.

免費無廣告音樂任聽Alizarin 串流音樂平台用後感

在月初正式推出的Alizarin,現時共提供網頁版、iOS 版及macOS 3 個版本,而據官方網站的介紹所示,Alizarin 實際上只是取用Spotify、Apple Music 等串流服務 ...

3c有意思tim哥- 免費音樂的app有3000萬首...誇張

免費音樂的app有3000萬首...誇張 · WWW.KOCPC.COM.TW. Alizarin無廣告、內建超過3000萬首高音質免費線上音 樂App!標榜100%合法. 一般說到免費音樂App,除非是串流Youtube 或 ...

Alizarin無廣告、內建超過3000萬首高音質免費線上音樂App!標榜 ...

簡單來說,Alizarin 是一款標榜使用100% 合法的方法,來提供免費且高音質的音樂內容給所有使用者,而且還無廣告!內建超過3000 萬首歌曲,不僅中英文各國都有, ...


Alizarin是本月月初在AppStore上架的免費音樂應用程式,標榜100%合法,內建超過3000萬首歌曲,使用的是類似Spotify、AppleMusic的Premium服務,而且 ...,Cinematicprogmetalcenteredaroundbroodingmelodies,wrappedinepiccompositions.alizarinmusic.com·Facebook·Instagram·YouTube·open.spotify.com.,Alizarinisyouron-the-gosolutiontohigh-def,unlimitedmusicwithnostringsattached.Enjoytheperfectmusicstreamingservicew...